Friday, July 16, 2010

LaunchList: To-Do List for a Successful Site Launch!

Launching a site can be daunting especially if it’s your first launch ever and/or if you know little or nothing about sites or blogs. There is a site that can help you get through with the stuff you need to pay attention and take care of before your site goes live.

.net has a list of things that you need to check off before the launch date. LOT of things go into making a site launch ready for the D-Day and depending upon the site items on the list might differ too, however, all the items, as in 95% of the items on the checklist of will be relevant to each project as they are more to do with the sites content, functionality, etc..

I highly recommend the use of .net for anyone who is involved with a developer/designer to get the site ready or a redesign. It just makes sure if you are not missing anything on the list that might negatively influence your sites performance.

offers easy to use interface and smart functionality. Enter your information and information of another person if you’d like to share the report with someone. Enter the project name and the site URL.

Once you are done with that, simply go checking each of the items on the list or leave a comment if it’s not applicable to your project. If you find something missing that is relevant to your project, add it.

You’ll find a progress bar at the end of the report which shows how many items have been attend to and how many are yet to get your attention.

Once you reach to the very bottom of the list, click “Submit Report” to send it to yourself or anyone else mentioned on the report.

Click here to visit

Check out few of the screenshots from

Enter your project details to start with

Check the items ont he checklist

Once you are done with the checklist, make sure you see the progress on the progress-bar and then submit the report

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